On Earth Day, we celebrate a collective awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. We also contemplate how our actions as a society, more often than not, can determine the fate of that natural environment. One of the biggest influences we have on the natural world around us is what we eat and how we obtain our nourishment. For those who enjoy seafood and honoring the Earth’s delicate ecological balance, Earth Day is especially important as a day to think about the problems facing the world’s oceans and the fauna that calls the oceans their home.
In honor of Earth Day, Otolith summarizes the last two years of the International Pacific Halibut fishery as it pertains to our clients and everyone who values the highest quality wild and sustainable halibut. Each year Otolith purchases halibut in Southeast Alaska from traditional hook and line harvesters having little to none collateral damage to the environment as a result of their harvests.
In 2011, Otolith purchased 2,000 pounds halibut. The total catch limit of halibut for this area was set at 2,330,000 pounds of which a total harvest of 2,363,000 was caught and sold. Last year the catch limit of halibut for Southeast Alaska was 2,624,000 pounds of which Otolith purchased 3,000 pounds from sustainable harvesters. The 2013 Southeast Halibut quota is 2,970,000 pounds.
While Otolith recognizes that halibut quota is increasing and certainly we are pleased to see increasing estimates of available biomass of halibut, our fishery are a long way from their previous levels. This trend must continue and the costs to the halibut industry must be provided by the consumers of the values wild and sustainable harvested fish.
To put it in a historical perspective, in 1985, the catch limit quota for halibut in Southeast Alaska was 9,000,000 pounds. During that time period the retail cost per pound of halibut was $12.99/lb. Currently quotas our less than half of their former levels while prices to consumer are barely double since 1985. Scientists, fishermen, and restaurants and seafood retailers are all hoping the current increasing catch limits are a sign of a stable and growing halibut population for our area. Otolith is hoping for increasing trends in halibut populations to continue as well, nonetheless, at Otolith we know that protecting our renewable resources means more than just hoping for the best.
At Otolith we accept our responsibility to act to increase the likelihood of our most desired outcomes. Please continue to JOIN Otolith's CSS programs, support the markets that make year-round access to Otolith's sustainable seafood possible and share our mission and commitment to highest quality sustainable seafood with friends and family. Otolith Sustainable Seafood is committed to our Earth and to offering a sustainable alternative for those who love wild seafood and love our Mother Earth. Our fish is totally traceable and is always the result of a sustainable harvest. We value what we sell and appreciate that we don’t have a business without a healthy and thriving ocean. We respect the Earth and value our customers who want to enjoy a delicious seafood meal without hurting the planet and Otolith will continue to share your commitment to a healthy planet and a sustainable future with our friends and family. We enjoy our relationship with you, our clients, our family, our friends, and we look forward to continued growth of our strong and informed network. Enjoy your Earth Day and Bon Appétit!
In honor of Earth Day, Otolith summarizes the last two years of the International Pacific Halibut fishery as it pertains to our clients and everyone who values the highest quality wild and sustainable halibut. Each year Otolith purchases halibut in Southeast Alaska from traditional hook and line harvesters having little to none collateral damage to the environment as a result of their harvests.
In 2011, Otolith purchased 2,000 pounds halibut. The total catch limit of halibut for this area was set at 2,330,000 pounds of which a total harvest of 2,363,000 was caught and sold. Last year the catch limit of halibut for Southeast Alaska was 2,624,000 pounds of which Otolith purchased 3,000 pounds from sustainable harvesters. The 2013 Southeast Halibut quota is 2,970,000 pounds.
While Otolith recognizes that halibut quota is increasing and certainly we are pleased to see increasing estimates of available biomass of halibut, our fishery are a long way from their previous levels. This trend must continue and the costs to the halibut industry must be provided by the consumers of the values wild and sustainable harvested fish.
To put it in a historical perspective, in 1985, the catch limit quota for halibut in Southeast Alaska was 9,000,000 pounds. During that time period the retail cost per pound of halibut was $12.99/lb. Currently quotas our less than half of their former levels while prices to consumer are barely double since 1985. Scientists, fishermen, and restaurants and seafood retailers are all hoping the current increasing catch limits are a sign of a stable and growing halibut population for our area. Otolith is hoping for increasing trends in halibut populations to continue as well, nonetheless, at Otolith we know that protecting our renewable resources means more than just hoping for the best.
At Otolith we accept our responsibility to act to increase the likelihood of our most desired outcomes. Please continue to JOIN Otolith's CSS programs, support the markets that make year-round access to Otolith's sustainable seafood possible and share our mission and commitment to highest quality sustainable seafood with friends and family. Otolith Sustainable Seafood is committed to our Earth and to offering a sustainable alternative for those who love wild seafood and love our Mother Earth. Our fish is totally traceable and is always the result of a sustainable harvest. We value what we sell and appreciate that we don’t have a business without a healthy and thriving ocean. We respect the Earth and value our customers who want to enjoy a delicious seafood meal without hurting the planet and Otolith will continue to share your commitment to a healthy planet and a sustainable future with our friends and family. We enjoy our relationship with you, our clients, our family, our friends, and we look forward to continued growth of our strong and informed network. Enjoy your Earth Day and Bon Appétit!