Prep: [15 minutes] Cook: [20 minutes]
1LB halibut, boneless skinless, cut into 5oz portions
2 tsp paprika
1 cup of uncooked whole wheat Bulgar or other complex carbohydrate
2 cups water
½ small onion
1 clove garlic crushed and chopped
1 tsp saffron or saffron petals/*turmeric may be substituted if saffron is not available
2 Tbs dried currents or pine nuts or both*
¼ lb of arugula washed and dried
4 Tbs of EVOO plus one Tbs EVOO [extra virgin olive oli, EVOO]
1 lemon halved and juiced, divided
1 cucumber - optional, washed, partially peeled and sliced
Salt and pepper to taste, I like white pepper on my arugula and halibut too
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a quart size sauce pan add a dash of the oil on med/high heat. Add onion first then garlic and then Bulgar and stir for two minutes over heat before adding water. Add the water, saffron and currents and pine nuts if using, and cover. Bring pot to a boil. Turn heat down to very low and simmer for twenty minutes covered until cooked.
In the mean time, put arugula and cucumber into a salad bowl and pour EVOO on top. Set aside until the halibut is done.
In a hot oven-safe skillet add one Tbs olive oil and set heat to medium. Place halibut into hot skillet and add paprika, dash of turmeric if using it, and some white or black pepper to taste. Cook 2 minutes and flip halibut and season the other side just the same. Cook two minutes and place skillet into the oven. Finish cooking halibut in the oven for about 4 minutes [3/4 inch thickness] depending on the thickness of the fillet. Remove fish from oven and add juice of half lemon and salt to taste.
Add other juice of half lemon to arugula and some salt and pepper to taste. Toss salad before serving.
Serving Suggestion:
Remove Bulgar from heat and serve alongside halibut and salad.
*Optional ingredient may be omitted or substituted with chopped sun dried tomatoes and/or fresh chopped herbs such as basil, parsley, tarragon, or marjoram
God Bless Us, Everyone.